Mars Hill Audio is moving!
Our new app is ready, so this site will soon be closed
Most of our listeners have already visited our new site at That’s where their accounts are now being maintained. On that new site, listeners can stream audio from their previous subscriptions and purchases.
We’ve now upgraded our system to enable a membership program, giving current members access to hundreds of hours of audio. Current subscriptions will be fulfilled until they expire, at which time we hope subscribers will become members, a change that will provide new opportunities for listening.
In addition to all audio from Volumes 66 of the Journal to the present and every Friday Feature we’ve released since 2018, every week we’re adding new content provided by our Partner organizations. Plus, we’re reviving individual segments from our earlier Journals as Archive Features.
If you have been one of our subscribers, you’ll need to select a new password for your account on our new site before getting access to all of the audio and before you can sign in to the new app. You can start that process here.
And if you want to sign up for a membership, you can review your options here. And we’re happy to announce that gift memberships are also available.
Happy listening!